02 - Regional U.S.A. Tour SRC, Adult Literature, Audiobooks, Contemporary Fiction, F - US Territories (Bonus), Family Saga, Fiction, Historical Fiction, Magical Realism, Print, Realistic Fiction, SRC 2023, Starlight Book Reviews, Stellar Reading Challenges, Young Adult Literature

Starlight Book Review – Ann Dávila Cardinal’s The Storyteller’s Death 🇵🇷

Cover of The Storyteller’s Death on a dark chartreuse background | Image Source: Goodreads

Regional U.S.A. (RUSA) Tour Stellar Reading Challenge – Bonus – Puerto Rico

3.8/5 After I posted my last review for the World Tour Stellar Reading Challenge (SRC), I realized I still owed my Gnomies one more Starlight Book Review (SBR) for the RUSA SRC. Initially, the idea of reading something set in a U.S. Territory thrilled me. Since the Book Girls’ Guide inspired this SRC region, I also looked to them for direction on reading. Check them out by clicking here. This, of course, led me to discovering Ann Dávila Cardinal’s The Storyteller’s Death. I chose to read with my ears with the copy narrated by Marisol Ramirez that I purchased on Audible.

Learn more about these 2023 SRC by clicking here.

Click here to discover more about 2024 SRC.

From International Latino Book Award-winning author Ann Dávila Cardinal comes a gorgeously written family saga about a Puerto Rican woman who finds herself gifted (or cursed?) with a strange ability.… There was always an old woman dying in the back room of her family’s house when Isla was a child…Isla Larsen Sanchez’s life begins to unravel when her father passes away. Instead of being comforted at home in New Jersey, her mother starts leaving her in Puerto Rico with her grandmother and great-aunt each summer like a piece of forgotten luggage… When Isla turns eighteen, her grandmother, a great storyteller, dies. It is then that Isla discovers she has a gift passed down through her family’s cuentistas. The tales of dead family storytellers are brought back to life, replaying themselves over and over in front of her… At first, Isla is enchanted by this connection to the Sanchez cuentistas. But when Isla has a vision of an old murder mystery, she realizes that if she can’t solve it to make the loop end, these seemingly harmless stories could cost Isla her life.”

Once I finished my library books and began reading The Storyteller’s Death, I read this book with ease. Isla passed the “Dad Test” of sympathetic character, so much so that I cringed right along with her at her mother’s various gaffes. I liked how the author showed Isla’s grieving process. Cardinal set the scenes well enough that I saw that parts took place in Puerto Rico. Yet, I found the ending too tidy. Yet, the author evoked a strong sense of both Puerto Rico and New Jersey. I recommend this to fans of magical realism.

Quotes come from book flaps/cover and are featured on color blocks.

02 - Regional U.S.A. Tour SRC, E - Northeast USA, SRC 2023

RUSA Tour SRC Region 5 & Stop #5 – Northeast/ New Jersey 🇺🇸

Badge for RUSA Stellar Reading Challenge (SRC) Region 5 & Stop #5- Northeast/New Jersey
| © Starry Night Elf

Gnomies, our literary trek through Region 5 of the Regional U.S.A. (RUSA) Tour Stellar Reading Challenge (SRC) continues. Region 5 in the RUSA SRC is the Northeast.

Click here to read more about RUSA Tour SRC.

We travel to our next stop, New Jersey. New Jersey’s nickname of “The Garden State” goes back to the 19th Century. Learn more about the moniker’s origins by clicking here, Gnomies.

Read a book set in the Garden State to earn the badge included in this post. If you selected a place in New Jersey as your spot in the Local Tour SRC, that book can count towards both challenges.

Learn more about the Local Tour SRC by clicking here.

You only need to read two (2) books per RUSA Region but feel free to read more.

Please read books set in any RUSA Region but posts in October and November will look at states in Region #5 – Northeast.

Can you name some books set in the Garden State, Gnomies?