#StarrySays, 100 Years SRC, Back in the Day, Bloggers, Bloggers/Blogging, Film & TV, Set in the Day, SRC 2022

Starry Says – Episode #69 — Taking It Easy

© Starry Night Elf

Manuscript Word Count (MWC) – 74,545

2023 Reading Goal to Date -7/124

As I’ve been dealing with what one of my patrons christened “the creepy crud,” I’ve taken to reading for various Stellar Reading Challenges (SRC), my book club, and what looks like pure enjoyment.

I’ve also been binge watching a number of shows. So far, I’ve watch the first two seasons of Stranger Things, a few episodes of That 90s Show, and all four seasons of Virgin River. I’m eager to see more of all three of these. The first two definitely appeal to my sense of nostalgia while the latter is a bit more contemporary.

Of course, now I’m seeking even more to binge watch. So, what might you suggest, Gnomies? <wink>

#StarrySays, Bloggers, Bloggers/Blogging, Facebook, Film & TV, Vincent van Gogh

Starry Says – Episode #64 — Lilies in a Jug

Image of actor Jay Lee portraying Chris Park as the character investigates a murder involving Lilies in a Jug, a fictitious painting by Vincent van Gogh |
Image Source: TV Fanatic

Manuscript Word Count (MWC) – 74,545

2022 Reading Goal to Date – 113/100

I enjoy watching stellar shows. One of my favorite shows to watch in the past was “CSI.” Although, I lean hard towards the liberal arts in my personal interests and talents, the science on screen in this show fascinated me. Yes, I realize much of this is as fictitious as novels I like to read but the idea of being able to solve a murder by looking into physical clues always holds my attention.

As the original “CSI” begat spinoffs and other shows began looking mightily similar to my beloved show, some of the sheen wore off for me. Then, cast changes happened and I switched the channel.

When I noticed “CSI: Vegas,” I approached the reboot with trepidation. Yet, I felt with the return of Jorja Fox and William Petersen as Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom respectively, I knew they had me. The cohesive combination of the original characters alongside new faces pulled me in even more.

After the exit of Sidle and Grissom at the end of Season 1, I knew “CSI: Vegas” needed a new hook to bring me back again for Season 2. Oh, wow, did they nail it! Marg Helgenberger came back Catherine Willows and entered the opening scene of the latest season. Oh, it’s so compelling, too!

So, as to not cross the spoiler line, I took in the episode which aired for the first time on December 08, 2022. It’s called “Grace Note” but I think of it as “Lilies in a Jug.” This episode dealt with a late, talented forger who completed several Vincent van Gogh fakes, including “Lilies in a Jug” (see picture in this post).

Yes, “Lilies in a Jug” looks swell. Early on, though, I exclaimed, “That’s no van Gogh!”

Still and all, I appreciated that this episode of one of “my shows” focused on one of my favorite artists and the immense value of his works.

Gnomies, what do you think of “Lilies in a Jug”? Does it look like a van Gogh to you?