#StarrySays, Bloggers, Bloggers/Blogging, Social Media

Starry Says – Episode #121 — 3 Years of Starry Says

© Starry Night Elf

Manuscript Word Count (MWC) – 74,963

2024 Reading Goal to Date 32/100

A few years ago, Friday, June 3, 2021 to be exact, I kicked off the Starry Says Feature on my humble blog. Wow, it’s been 3 years, Gnomies!

Besides What Gnomies Are Reading (WGAR), I have included posts dedicated to reading challenges, Stellar Reading Challenges (SRC) and others, in addition to general ramblings and ephemera. I must say I often don’t know what I might say in these episodes until minutes before I hit publish. It’s a pleasant sort of challenge, thrilling even!

So, what are some of your favorite episodes, Gnomies?

Have a stellar weekend!

#StarrySays, Bloggers, Bloggers/Blogging, Social Media

Starry Says – Episode #120 — Seasonal Cleaning Revisited ✨

© Starry Night Elf

Manuscript Word Count (MWC) – 74,963

2024 Reading Goal to Date 30/100

As mentioned in Episode #114 – Seasonal Cleaning, I endeavored to spruce up my humble blog a bit. Click here to see that post.

To date, I tidied the following:

  • Stellar Reading Challenge (SRC) Dropdown Menu – only 2023 and 2024
  • In Translation SRC Languages became 1 category
  • Read The U.S.A. (RTUSA) SRC featured on Month Ahead SRC postings (in progress)

Before this season ends, I look forward to straightening and tweaking a few more spots on my blog. So, please pardon the stardust.

Have a stellar weekend, Gnomies!

#StarrySays, Bloggers, Bloggers/Blogging, Social Media

Starry Says – Episode #114 — Seasonal Cleaning 😊

© Starry Night Elf

Manuscript Word Count (MWC) – 74,963

2024 Reading Goal to Date 20/100

As one who lives in the Northern Hemisphere, the March Equinox brought us Springtime. So, as of Easter Sunday (last weekend) I shifted into Spring Mode. For my Gnomies south of the Equator, I wish you a stellar Autumn, my favorite season of the year.

Anyhow, whenever Spring begins in my neck of the woods, I feel inclined to tidy up my humble blog. Thus, over the weeks to come, I anticipate sprucing up… and posting more Stellar Book Reviews (SBR).

On the topic of more posts, some Gnomies may have noticed my post rate dropping off since February. My computer acted up at this time and I sent it off for repair. I composed Starry Says posts after that on library computers until the repair place shipped back my laptop. So, in addition to straightening up, I also aim to wrap up my SBR for the 2023 Stellar Reading Challenges. I still owe my dear Gnomies posts on reads from – Denmark, Brazil, Australia, and France.

When do you feel compelled to clean, Gnomies?

Have a stellar weekend!

#StarrySays, Bloggers, Bloggers/Blogging

Starry Says – Episode #105 — A Bloggerversary

© Starry Night Elf

Manuscript Word Count (MWC) – 74,963

2024 Reading Goal to Date 1/100

While I blogged before that, I’ve always felt January 12 was my true first day of focused blogging. On this day in 2007, I launched Jorie’s Reads with the post named “Genesis.” When I say focused, I mean that I had a blog dedicated to a singular purpose. Later on, I opened blogs looking at a variety of interests — genealogy, mission work, faith, travel, and inspirational quotes (Jorie’s Wall of Word/ Jorie’s WoW).

At a point some years later, I placed Jorie’s Reads on hiatus while continuing with Jorie’s WoW. Then, with a couple of stops and starts, I brought all my blogging interests together in Starry Night Elf. A large part of my current blog began with that Genesis post on Jorie’s Reads. Click here to see that post.

In my time blogging on Starry Night Elf, I set aside January 12 as a day of celebration and envisioning what more I like to do for my stellar Gnomies and me.

What creative geneses of your own would you like to recognize, Gnomies?

Have a stellar weekend!

#StarrySays, Bloggers, Bloggers/Blogging

Starry Says – Episode #99 — 1,000+ Days of Posts!

© Starry Night Elf

Manuscript Word Count (MWC) – 74,963

2023 Reading Goal to Date 83/96

Earlier this week, I hit the big 1K – 1,000 days of posting, Gnomies! Since Episode #89, I have continued my posting streak. Click here to read that short post.

Most of this is due to my daily posting to Jorie’s Wall of Word (Jorie’s WoW)! In the last 100 days or so, I posted on the following features:

  • Starry Says
  • What Gnomies Are Reading (WGAR)
  • Starlight Book Reviews (SBR) dedicated to Stellar Reading Challenges (SRC)
  • SRC
  • Another Word (Jorie’s WoW)
  • Seeing the Story

Gnomies, I look forward to continuing my streak. Hopefully, I’ll add several more stellar posts.

Have a wonderful weekend, Gnomies!

#StarrySays, Bloggers, Bloggers/Blogging

Starry Says – Episode #89 — 900+ Days Posted!

© Starry Night Elf

Manuscript Word Count (MWC) – 74,963

2023 Reading Goal to Date 48/60

Short post today!… This past week, I posted an entry on my humble blog for the 900th day in a row!

This means I’m less than a hundred posts away from 1000, Gnomies!

In addition to sharing daily Jorie’s Wall of Word (Jorie’s WoW), I also make posts in the following features:

  • Starry Says
  • What Gnomies Are Reading (WGAR)
  • Starlight Book Reviews (SBR)
  • Stellar Reading Challenges
  • Another Word (Jorie’s WoW)

I hope my Gnomies enjoy these posts. It’s my pleasure to share them! Here’s to the next 900 days of posting!

#StarrySays, 02 - Regional U.S.A. Tour SRC, A - West RUSA, B - Southwest RUSA, Bloggers/Blogging, C - Midwest RUSA, SRC 2023, Stellar Reading Challenges

Starry Says – Episode #87 — RUSA Redux

© Starry Night Elf

Manuscript Word Count (MWC) – 74,901

2023 Reading Goal to Date 44/60

Gnomies, since last week, I’ve had to somewhat alter how I’ve planned to post my reviews for the Regional U.S.A. (RUSA) Stellar Reading Challenge (SRC).

Learn more about this SRC by clicking here.

Part of all SRC and other challenges for is me figuring out how to obtain copies of the various books. This time, within the Southwest Region of the RUSA SRC, I’ve been confronted by a 23 week waiting period. So, as it stands, I’ve personally progressed to reading my 2 Midwest books. As I close in on my original goal date for posting both my “Southwest” books, I may have to select another book to satisfy the self-imposed requirement.

Since moving forward, here’s my progress concerning the RUSA:

Regional U.S.A. (RUSA) Tour SRC — 4/11

  • West – 2/2
  • Southwest – 1 /2
  • Midwest – 1/2
  • Southeast
  • Northeast
  • U.S. Territories

Gnomies, have you taken on the RUSA SRC? How’s your tour of the U.S. going?

#StarrySays, 01 - World Tour SRC, 02 - Regional U.S.A. Tour SRC, 03 - Local Tour SRC, 04 - Sacred Texts Journey, 05 - In Translation Journey, Bloggers/Blogging, SRC 2023, Stellar Reading Challenges

Starry Says – Episode #86 — Halfway Point

© Starry Night Elf

Manuscript Word Count (MWC) – 74,901

2023 Reading Goal to Date 42/60

Tomorrow, July 15, Gnomies, marks the halfway point of the 2023 Stellar Reading Challenges (SRC) hosted by the Starry Night Elf (SNE) Blog.

Learn more about the 2023 SRC and join in the fun by clicking here.

So far, this is my progress with each SRC and a breakdown:

World Tour SRC — 3/11

  • Ukraine
  • South Africa
  • New Zealand
  • Mexico
  • Japan
  • India
  • Egypt
  • Denmark
  • Brazil
  • Australia
  • France

Regional U.S.A. (RUSA) Tour SRC — 3/11

  • West – 2/2
  • Southwest – 1 /2
  • Midwest
  • Southeast
  • Northeast
  • U.S. Territories

Local Tour SRC — 1/4

  • Set in Houston – 1/2
  • Houston Author – 0/2

Sacred Text Journey SRC — 21/66

In Translation Journey SRC — 1/4

  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Japanese
  • Danish

Are you participating in any of the SRC this year, Gnomies? If so, how are you doing with it/those?

#StarrySays, Bloggers/Blogging, Writing

Starry Says – Episode #84 — State of the Work In Progress (WIP)

© Starry Night Elf

Manuscript Word Count (MWC) – 74,901

2023 Reading Goal to Date 38/60

You might recognize the image above, Gnomies, from Episode #14 – Work In Progress. Check out my 14th post by clicking here, Gnomies!

I must say, though, in the near 2 years that have past, I’m still on the same WIP. Keenly observant Gnomies may have noticed I’ve been including in each episode my current manuscript word count (MWC).

So, today, in this brief post, I’m putting it out there that I want my WIP to become complete by the end of year. Encouragement and light taps on the shoulder are most welcome!

What WIPs are on your proverbial blotters, Gnomies?

Authors/Writers, Bloggers, Bloggers/Blogging, HACCW - Houston Area Content Creators Week, Screenwriters, YouTubers

HACCW Shoutouts

© Starry Night Elf

The first ever Houston Area Content Creators Week (HACCW) is in the books! Plans for future HACCW virtual events are already in the works.

Thank you, Gnomies, for reading and interacting with HACCW posts!

A special amount of gratitude goes to the stellar content creators who participated in HACCW. Thank you again, Valerie, Anhtuan, Mike, and Tony!

Please check out their respective posts as linked on the following list, Gnomies:

To access all HACCW posts, click here.