#StarrySays, Bloggers, Bloggers/Blogging, Social Media

Starry Says – Episode #120 — Seasonal Cleaning Revisited ✨

© Starry Night Elf

Manuscript Word Count (MWC) – 74,963

2024 Reading Goal to Date 30/100

As mentioned in Episode #114 – Seasonal Cleaning, I endeavored to spruce up my humble blog a bit. Click here to see that post.

To date, I tidied the following:

  • Stellar Reading Challenge (SRC) Dropdown Menu – only 2023 and 2024
  • In Translation SRC Languages became 1 category
  • Read The U.S.A. (RTUSA) SRC featured on Month Ahead SRC postings (in progress)

Before this season ends, I look forward to straightening and tweaking a few more spots on my blog. So, please pardon the stardust.

Have a stellar weekend, Gnomies!

#StarrySays, What Gnomies Are Reading

WGAR – May ’24 Edition

© Starry Night Elf

Manuscript Word Count (MWC) – 74,963

2024 Reading Goal to Date 29/100

It’s 4th Friday, Gnomies which means it What Gnomies Are Reading (WGAR) time! I definitely see some books I want to read this Memorial Day weekend on the WGAR!

To see WGAR weekly, check out my Facebook Page by 3:15 PM CST each Saturday by clicking here.

Gnomies, there’s a standing invitation to you regarding future “WGAR” posts! Share those books (as text rather than image) in the comments! A picture of the book along with text is fine but the text is crucial for our Gnomies with visual challenges. Material may show up in upcoming WGAR posts.

